You can put this out in a dish, or smear onto a piece of bread or a pine cone - it doesn't matter. Though if you are using a dish you can skip the peanut butter part.
peanut butter/vegetable shortening
sunflower seeds
dried cranberries or raisins
pinecone, bread, or bagel
1. Mix together the bird seed, sunflower seeds, and oatmeal together
2. Spread peanut butter (or if you are allergic to nuts - vegetable shortening) onto your base (bread, pinecone, etc) with the spoon (or a knife if you're old enough)
3. Roll or sprinkle the seed mixture onto the base
4. Dip the dried cranberries or raisins into the peanut butter/shortening and push onto seed covered base.
5. Place outside somewhere you can see
Now you can add a string to this creation and hang from a branch - but remember not all birds can eat that way. Some birds are ground feeders so feel free to just place it out on the ground somewhere.
Now you may feed more than birds. We had some friends a few years ago, who made a bird feeder this was with Miss Renee and when they hung it outside a squirrel stole the whole thing. This is okay - if it happens make another one and place it somewhere higher. But, honestly, we don't mind sharing with the squirrels.
Hope you have some fun with this.
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