Percy and Kyp

Percy and Kyp
Percy's voice is in blue. Kyp's voice is in orange. In black its us together

Friday, March 11, 2016

Friday Clean

Did you know that every Friday is Clean Day!  Ask your Mom, we bet there is one day (or maybe more than one day) when she cleans your house. Go ahead, ask, we'll wait........  See we told you so. Well the same thing happens at our house (you say cage, we say house) and that day is usually Friday (honestly, sometimes it's a Saturday or a Monday).  On Friday Miss Renee (our mom) turns off the light, unplugs the heat and proceeds to take our entire home apart.  She changes the paper at the bottom of the cage, she empties our food and water bowls and scrubs them till they shine, and then she takes the bathtub and does the same thing.  She refills everything and gives them back to us thank goodness. Now for the most part this isn't a bad thing, but every now and then she takes it a little too far - she actually sticks her arm into our cage and scrubs everything - the floor, the walls, the perches, stands and even our nests.  It's very aggravating, first having our space invaded is far from our favorite thing, but she also cleans and reorganizes everything when she does this.  We don't like it at all, do you know how long it takes us to make our cage a home - and then she cleans everything!  The worst part is that she occasionally throws things away, like our nest fluff or even our nests all together.  We get them just the way we like and then POW!  all gone and we have to start all over. (At least she gives us brand new nests and fluff to start over with-could you imagine if she didn't <shudder>). It's rather annoying but she's says it's healthy for us to have a clean place and changing things means we'll never get bored (unfortunately she's right there - don't you hate when that happens).  Well, at your house next time it's cleaning day you better keep an eye on your mom to make sure nothing of yours disappears when she cleans.....just to make sure.

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